Mumbai Smart Matka Result 30-12-2024|Kolkata Matka Tips Today
Smart Matka is a fun game for those who like excitement and the chance to win a lot of money. In this blog post, we’ll simply explain Smart Matka. We’ll discuss what it is, specifically Mumbai Smart Matka, how to check results, and give some tips for playing. Let’s learn about smart mumbai matka together using easy and friendly words.
Find out the Mumbai Satta Matka Today Result forToday. See the winning numbers from today’s Mumbai lottery draws at different times: 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM, and 8:00 PM. To stay updated, check the Mumbai result chart every month, week, and day. This article will show you Today Matka results. Don’t miss the chance to see if your lucky numbers are on the winning list.

Smart Matka Result Today (mumbai smart matka result Check)
DATE | 9:30 AM | 11:00 AM | 12:30 PM | 2:00 PM | 3:30 PM | 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 8:00 PM |
28-05-2024 | 680*4 | 456*5 | 459*8 | |||||
27-05-2024 | 560*1 | 567*8 | 127*0 | 345*2 | 349*6 | 667*9 | 340*7 | 189*8 |
26-05-2024 | 330*6 | 670*3 | 156*2 | 257*4 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
25-05-2024 | 490*3 | 236*1 | 149*4 | 238*3 | 890*7 | 139*3 | 144*9 | 290*1 |
24-05-2024 | 578*0 | 150*6 | 789*4 | 119*1 | 268*6 | 156*2 | 370*0 | 779*3 |
23-05-2024 | 278*7 | 358*6 | 770*4 | 128*1 | 255*2 | 367*6 | 349*6 | 579*1 |
22-05-2024 | 369*8 | 470*1 | 488*0 | 268*6 | 229*3 | 689*3 | 359*7 | 669*1 |
21-05-2024 | 478*9 | 148*3 | 270*9 | 570*2 | 700*7 | 267*5 | 338*4 | 249*5 |
20-05-2024 | 227*1 | 258*5 | 569*0 | 477*8 | 790*6 | 247*3 | 128*1 | 110*2 |
19-05-2024 | 227*1 | 258*5 | 569*0 | 477*8 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
18-05-2024 | 280*0 | 290*1 | 159*5 | 560*1 | 455*4 | 246*2 | 337*3 | 234*9 |
17-05-2024 | 126*9 | 156*2 | 770*4 | 469*9 | 122*5 | 340*7 | 159*5 | 588*1 |
16-05-2024 | 589*2 | 356*4 | 356*4 | 228*2 | 250*7 | 359*7 | 567*8 | 244*0 |
15-05-2024 | 370*0 | 111*3 | 167*4 | 470*1 | 259*6 | 560*1 | 580*3 | 188*7 |
14-05-2024 | 133*7 | 379*9 | 257*4 | 150*6 | 369*8 | 480*2 | 267*5 | 450*9 |
13-05-2024 | 149*4 | 790*6 | 237*2 | 339*5 | 278*7 | 170*8 | 780*5 | 235*0 |
12-05-2024 | 556*6 | 120*3 | 579*1 | 130*4 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
11-05-2024 | 124*7 | 489*1 | 146*1 | 118*0 | 450*9 | 289*9 | 249*5 | 889*5 |
10-05-2024 | 145*0 | 134*8 | 239*4 | 123*6 | 199*9 | 125*8 | 679*2 | 229*3 |
09-05-2024 | 789*4 | 156*2 | 133*7 | 160*7 | 550*0 | 246*2 | 177*5 | 125*8 |
08-05-2024 | 288*8 | 120*3 | 455*4 | 359*7 | 456*5 | 157*3 | 139*3 | 260*8 |
07-05-2024 | 334*0 | 139*3 | 135*9 | 678*1 | 340*7 | 350*8 | 246*2 | 224*8 |
06-05-2024 | 266*4 | 127*0 | 670*3 | 159*5 | 278*7 | 580*3 | 458*7 | 800*8 |
05-05-2024 | 139*3 | 289*9 | 170*8 | 269*7 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
04-05-2024 | 229*3 | 468*8 | 589*2 | 335*1 | 237*2 | 128*1 | 238*3 | 234*9 |
03-05-2024 | 249*5 | 788*3 | 350*8 | 890*7 | 378*8 | 357*5 | 235*0 | 220*4 |
02-05-2024 | 140*5 | 399*1 | 690*5 | 157*3 | 226*0 | 359*7 | 470*1 | 389*0 |
01-05-2024 | 357*5 | 190*0 | 459*8 | 239*4 | 140*5 | 379*9 | 159*5 | 578*0 |
Smart Matka Previous Result April-2024
DATE | 9:30 AM | 11:00 AM | 12:30 PM | 2:00 PM | 3:30 PM | 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 8:00 PM |
30-04-2024 | 460*0 | 278*7 | 440*8 | 679*2 | 125*8 | 124*7 | 139*3 | 189*8 |
29-04-2024 | 379*9 | 669*1 | 257*4 | 256*3 | 136*0 | 340*7 | 588*1 | 780*5 |
28-04-2024 | 369*8 | 567*8 | 678*1 | 590*4 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
27-04-2024 | 378*8 | 230*5 | 278*7 | 157*3 | 145*0 | 468*8 | 266*4 | 127*0 |
26-04-2024 | 113*5 | 568*9 | 336*2 | 678*1 | 125*8 | 257*4 | 358*6 | 889*5 |
25-04-2024 | 268*6 | 120*3 | 227*1 | 790*6 | 560*1 | 110*2 | 577*9 | 369*8 |
24-04-2024 | 256*3 | 348*5 | 123*6 | 579*1 | 233*8 | 147*2 | 450*9 | 259*6 |
23-04-2024 | 477*8 | 234*9 | 789*4 | 236*1 | 126*9 | 299*0 | 280*0 | 169*6 |
22-04-2024 | 220*4 | 460*0 | 129*2 | 199*9 | 136*0 | 356*4 | 155*1 | 390*2 |
21-04-2024 | 235*0 | 389*0 | 246*2 | 580*3 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
20-04-2024 | 270*9 | 247*3 | 180*9 | 459*8 | 168*5 | 145*0 | 499*2 | 123*6 |
19-04-2024 | 156*2 | 115*7 | 568*9 | 779*3 | 450*9 | 220*4 | 346*3 | 190*0 |
18-04-2024 | 339*5 | 140*5 | 114*6 | 260*8 | 278*7 | 128*1 | 157*3 | 250*7 |
17-04-2024 | 400*4 | 467*7 | 234*9 | 368*7 | 137*1 | 229*3 | 139*3 | 179*7 |
16-04-2024 | 123*6 | 379*9 | 670*3 | 369*8 | 689*3 | 889*5 | 335*1 | 368*7 |
15-04-2024 | 240*6 | 348*5 | 469*9 | 200*2 | 238*3 | 357*5 | 148*3 | 360*9 |
14-04-2024 | 344*1 | 230*5 | 127*0 | 124*7 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
1 3-04-2024 | 500*5 | 150*6 | 134*8 | 789*4 | 389*0 | 356*4 | 246*2 | 446*4 |
12-04-2024 | 350*8 | 346*3 | 479*0 | 159*5 | 139*3 | 235*0 | 490*3 | 300*3 |
11-04-2024 | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
10-04-2024 | 350*8 | 358*6 | 118*0 | 360*9 | 234*9 | 269*7 | 135*9 | 499*2 |
09-04-2024 | 140*5 | 689*3 | 458*7 | 589*2 | 578*0 | 378*8 | 180*9 | 700*7 |
08-04-2024 | 445*3 | 270*9 | 380*1 | 130*4 | 123*6 | 377*7 | 128*1 | 160*7 |
07-04-2024 | 123*6 | 144*9 | 348*5 | 780*5 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
06-04-2024 | 479*0 | 669*1 | 578*0 | 359*7 | 345*2 | 336*2 | 145*0 | 100*1 |
05-04-2024 | 230*5 | 567*8 | 115*7 | 250*7 | 490*3 | 345*2 | 690*5 | 770*4 |
04-04-2024 | 356*4 | 346*3 | 299*0 | 150*6 | 560*1 | 667*9 | 110*2 | 128*1 |
03-04-2024 | 229*3 | 120*3 | 668*0 | 224*8 | 290*1 | 128*1 | 689*3 | 113*5 |
02-04-2024 | 158*4 | 379*9 | 170*8 | 790*6 | 134*8 | 245*1 | 189*8 | 880*6 |
01-04-2024 | 239*4 | 370*0 | 180*9 | 250*7 | 560*1 | 346*3 | 500*5 | 236*1 |
Smart Matka Previous Result March-2024
DATE | 9:30 AM | 11:00 AM | 12:30 PM | 2:00 PM | 3:30 PM | 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 8:00 PM |
31-03-2024 | 267*5 | 127*0 | 880*6 | 246*2 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
30-03-2024 | 470*1 | 126*9 | 330*6 | 124*7 | 340*7 | 137*1 | 167*4 | 199*9 |
29-03-2024 | 588*1 | 127*0 | 460*0 | 579*1 | 233*8 | 379*9 | 359*7 | 290*1 |
28-03-2024 | 249*5 | 120*3 | 123*6 | 336*2 | 256*3 | 580*3 | 780*5 | 220*4 |
27-03-2024 | 145*0 | 125*8 | 227*1 | 670*3 | 238*3 | 240*6 | 278*7 | 133*7 |
26-03-2024 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
25-03-2024 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
24-03-2024 | 390*2 | 880*6 | 679*2 | 577*9 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
23-03-2024 | 148*3 | 299*0 | 220*4 | 160*7 | 669*1 | 569*0 | 267*5 | 680*4 |
22-03-2024 | 149*4 | 300*3 | 389*0 | 457*6 | 246*2 | 670*3 | 347*4 | 480*2 |
21-03-2024 | 389*0 | 588*1 | 269*7 | 450*9 | 349*6 | 139*3 | 139*3 | 240*6 |
20-03-2024 | 490*3 | 136*0 | 567*8 | 688*2 | 480*2 | 578*0 | 880*6 | 228*2 |
19-03-2024 | 579*1 | 459*8 | 189*8 | 300*3 | 138*2 | 468*8 | 790*6 | 125*8 |
18-03-2024 | 570*2 | 199*9 | 780*5 | 679*2 | 229*3 | 469*9 | 277*6 | 789*4 |
17-03-2024 | 680*4 | 345*2 | 389*0 | 133*7 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
16-03-2024 | 258*5 | 477*8 | 334*0 | 123*6 | 130*4 | 138*2 | 129*2 | 588*1 |
15-03-2024 | 568*9 | 589*2 | 440*8 | 346*3 | 789*4 | 389*0 | 360*9 | 340*7 |
14-03-2024 | 357*5 | 169*6 | 140*5 | 229*3 | 890*7 | 689*3 | 267*5 | 660*2 |
13-03-2024 | 229*3 | 690*5 | 346*3 | 678*1 | 220*4 | 340*7 | 780*5 | 245*1 |
12-03-2024 | 159*5 | 700*7 | 268*6 | 356*4 | 179*7 | 380*1 | 250*7 | 500*5 |
11-03-2024 | 390*2 | 115*7 | 678*1 | 348*5 | 590*4 | 570*2 | 156*2 | 150*6 |
10-03-2024 | 568*9 | 179*7 | 340*7 | 200*2 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
09-03-2024 | 240*6 | 669*1 | 125*8 | 167*4 | 238*3 | 147*2 | 488*0 | 590*4 |
08-03-2024 | 139*3 | 679*2 | 799*5 | 480*2 | 559*9 | 136*0 | 890*7 | 222*6 |
07-03-2024 | 346*3 | 560*1 | 578*0 | 245*1 | 360*9 | 450*9 | 449*7 | 146*1 |
06-03-2024 | 770*4 | 189*8 | 124*7 | 580*3 | 290*1 | 127*0 | 237*2 | 670*3 |
05-03-2024 | 246*2 | 280*0 | 157*3 | 330*6 | 460*0 | 359*7 | 348*5 | 588*1 |
04-03-2024 | 458*7 | 679*2 | 456*5 | 890*7 | 357*5 | 378*8 | 380*1 | 470*1 |
03-03-2024 | 244*0 | 346*3 | 160*7 | 345*2 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
02-03-2024 | 130*4 | 147*2 | 340*7 | 457*6 | 123*6 | 579*1 | 179*7 | 167*4 |
01-03-2024 | 570*2 | 149*4 | 140*5 | 224*8 | 689*3 | 789*4 | 580*3 | 890*7 |
Smart Matka Previous Result February-2024
DATE | 9:30 AM | 11:00 AM | 12:30 PM | 2:00 PM | 3:30 PM | 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 8:00 PM |
29-02-2024 | 128*1 | 679*2 | 370*0 | 246*2 | 279*8 | 369*8 | 356*4 | 488*0 |
28-02-2024 | 880*6 | 146*1 | 120*3 | 123*6 | 133*7 | 368*7 | 345*2 | 123*6 |
27-02-2024 | 134*8 | 258*5 | 335*1 | 146*1 | 468*8 | 458*7 | 266*4 | 690*5 |
26-02-2024 | 138*2 | 235*0 | 378*8 | 359*7 | 567*8 | 156*2 | 560*1 | 679*2 |
25-02-2024 | 167*4 | 440*8 | 458*7 | 223*7 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
24-02-2024 | 350*8 | 190*0 | 145*0 | 249*5 | 349*6 | 379*9 | 600*6 | 179*7 |
23-02-2024 | 138*2 | 115*7 | 136*0 | 568*9 | 780*5 | 368*7 | 126*9 | 460*0 |
22-02-2024 | 299*0 | 149*4 | 140*5 | 357*5 | 700*7 | 680*4 | 445*3 | 250*7 |
21-02-2024 | 246*2 | 180*9 | 378*8 | 449*7 | 135*9 | 245*1 | 458*7 | 124*7 |
20-02-2024 | 170*8 | 289*9 | 356*4 | 357*5 | 259*6 | 140*5 | 130*4 | 255*2 |
19-02-2024 | 260*8 | 138*2 | 390*2 | 678*1 | 144*9 | 345*2 | 569*0 | 339*5 |
18-02-2024 | 557*7 | 890*7 | 139*3 | 137*1 | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |
17-02-2024 | 690*5 | 567*8 | 140*5 | 290*1 | 247*3 | 134*8 | 127*0 | 145*0 |
What is Smart Matka?
Smart Matka is like a game where you pick numbers to win prizes. It’s easy and lots of fun. People play it in cities like Mumbai and Kolkata. You don’t need to be an expert; anyone can try their luck!
Mumbai Smart Matka
In smart mumbai matka is like a big party. The draws happen at different times—9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM, and 8:00 PM. Each draw is a chance to win something exciting! It’s like a game that never stops, and everyone can join in.
Mumbai smart matka Result Time-Table for 2024
Round | Time |
1st Round | 9:30 AM |
2nd Round | 11:00 AM |
3rd Round | 12:30 PM |
4th Round | 2:00 PM |
5th Round | 3:30 PM |
6th Round | 5:00 PM |
7th Round | 6:30 PM |
8th Round | 8:00 PM |
Mumbai Smart Matka Result
Imagine you picked the right numbers. What’s next? You check the Mumbai Smart Matka result. They announce the winning numbers, and you can find out if you’re a winner. It’s like waiting for good news!
Checking Officially Smart Matka Result
- Check the Smart Mumbai Matka Mumbai results by visiting an authorized Rajshree online lottery agency in Kolkata.
- Confirm the status of your lottery ticket by providing it to the authorized agency for verification.
- The agency’s staff will assist in checking if your ticket is a winner, using their expertise and resources.
- Utilize Smart Matka tips for better understanding and strategies in the lottery game.
Kolkata Smart Matka
Kolkata also loves Smart Matka. It’s like a celebration, with draws at different times. Even if you’re not in Mumbai, you can still enjoy the game.
Free Entry: No Ticket Price
Guess what? You don’t have to pay for a ticket! It’s free for everyone. That means anyone can join in and have a chance to win something cool.
Important Notes
Smart Matka is a game like a lottery that’s a part of gambling. We’re just telling you stuff about Smart Matka on our site. We made this site to give you info. If you do anything with smart mumbai matka, like buy something or something tricky happens, it’s on you. We don’t ask you to do anything and we’re not linked with the smart mumbai matka site.